Posted by: RubyMoonbeams | May 12, 2015

WSB ’15

By Rob and Lisa Ann Fanning

This year’s World Series was one for the history books.   Fog socked in the state to the south, so visibility and migration were nill.   Teams across the state struggled to add birds for their total. The wining team only saw 208 species (very low by most years’ standards.)



Our Team (The Sandy Hook Century Run Team) is a non-competitive team, who’s goal it is to see at least 100 species (usually around 125-140.)  We fell just short of that goal and ended up at 94 species for the day. 

The important part is that we are raising funds for New Jersey Audubon’s All Things Birds Initiative. As a team, we raised in excess of $4,500 for important education programs and conservation initiatives.  Thank you to those who contributed and made it possible. 

Rob and I arrived early to listen for nocturnal birds, and while we did not hear our main target (the Chuck-will’s-widow) one of our team members did.

We did, however see and hear some great birds all day. We birded from 5am until almost 7pm.    

Some of our personal highlights were: American Woodcock (heard), Black-bellied and Piping Plovers, Clapper Rail (in flight), Common and Least Terns, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Great Crested Flycatcher, Cedar Waxwing, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warblers, White-crowned Sparrow, and a brilliant Indigo Bunting to end the day.

A cumulative species list follows:  (note not all species were seen by all team members.)



May 9, 2015 5:30 am to 7 pm

28 people, including leaders

 94 species total


Canada Goose

Mute Swan

Wood Duck


American Black Duck


Surf Scoter

White-winged Scoter

Black Scoter

Red-breasted Merganser

Red-throated Loon

Common Loon

Northern Gannet

Double-crested Cormorant

Least Bittern

Great Egret

Green Heron

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Glossy Ibis

Turkey Vulture


Cooper’s Hawk

Clapper Rail

American Oystercatcher

Black-bellied Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Piping Plover


Greater Yellowlegs 



Lesser Yellowlegs 

Ruddy Turnstone


Least Sandpiper

Short-billed Dowitcher

American Woodcock

Bonaparte’s Gull

Laughing Gull

Herring Gull

Great Black-backed Gull

Least Tern

Common Tern

Forster’s Tern

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove


Chimney Swift

Ruby-throated Hummingbird


Great Crested Flycatcher

Eastern Kingbird

White-eyed Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo

Blue Jay

American Crow

Fish Crow

Tree Swallow

Barn Swallow

Black-capped Chickadee

House Wren

Carolina Wren

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

American Robin 

Gray Catbird

Northern Mockingbird

Brown Thrasher European Starling

Cedar Waxwing

Northern Waterthrush

Common Yellowthroat

American Redstart

Northern Parula

Magnolia Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Eastern Towhee

Chipping Sparrow

Field Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Seaside Sparrow 

Song Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Northern Cardinal

Indigo Bunting

Red-winged Blackbird

Common Grackle

Boat-tailed Grackle

Brown-headed Cowbird

House Finch

American Goldfinch

House Sparrow





The next day, we recovered by doing what else? Birding! 



  1. Both action and recovery bring the same result when you are with the right person, and you and Rob have that covered! I look forward to Jersey birding with you guys one of these days soon, no better state for that!

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